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Bipolar disorder is a very complex disease to many people, including medical doctors, and rightly so. As with every other disease in allopathic medicine, there will never be a cure for bipolar disorder. You can't solely treat this disorder from the physical, and especially with harmful, man-made pharmaceutical drugs. Plus, Western medical doctors admit that they don't know the cause of this disorder.

All disease and disorder first occur on the energy level before manifesting physically. Therefore, healing of all diseases must occur first on the energy level, the root or causative level. This is why no cure or healing of bipolar disorder will ever occur in Western medicine because Western medicine does not deal with energy or vibration, and the human body has an energy or vibratory body. Western medicine does not even deal with the cellular level of healing, which follows the energy level of healing.

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In order to address a problem (disease, sickness) we must first know what it is. You can only begin the healing process when you first "know" what a thing is. Every disease has an origin in which etiology teaches us can be studied.

Bi-Polar Disorder

Though an herbalist, my approach to healing and health is wholistic and encompasses all realms of human existential makeup, including the bio-magnetic sheath (human aura) or subtle bodies realm, i.e. ethereal body, mental body, astral body, etc.

The subtle bodies pertain to the layers of the bio-magnetic sheath (human aura) that relate to the physical, emotional, mental, astral, and spiritual levels of being. All living beings have an invisible but detectable energy field that surrounds them. This is true from man (human being) down to the animals and insects. This invisible energy field is known as the "bio-magnetic sheath" (aura). It can be detected and photographed with a certain kind of photography known as "Kirlian photography."

Okay, let's delve into the understanding of bipolar disorder so that we may properly understand it in order to properly address it and help those who are afflicted with it.

Bipolar disorder is medically defined as:

"A major mental disorder characterized by episodes of mania, depression, or mixed mood. One or the other phase may be predominant at any given time, one phase may appear alternately with the other, or elements of both phases may be present simultaneously. Characteristics of the manic phase are excessive emotional displays, such as excitement, elation, euphoria, or in some cases irritability accompanied by hyperactivity, boisterousness, impaired ability to concentrate, decreased need for sleep, and seemingly unbounded energy. In extreme mania, a sense of omnipotence and delusions or grandeur may occur. In the depressive state, marked apathy and under-activity are accompanied by feelings of profound sadness, loneliness, and lowered self-esteem. Causes of the disorder are multiple and complex, often involving biologic, psychological, interpersonal, and social and cultural factors. Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 5th edition (1998), pg. 196

Bipolar disorder is a depressive disorder. It is one of two major classifications of depressive disorders: (1) unipolar depression and (2) bipolar depression.

Bipolar disorder usually starts out as depression and slowly graduates to mania; and the depression and mania can involve alternating episodes, an up and down effect. Therefore, bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression.

In my traditional fashion, let's break matters down into pabulum so we can get a thorough and pellucid understanding of bipolar disorder.

The word or prefix "bi" means: "Two; twice: bipolar 2. Occurring twice during: biweekly [Latin: bis, bi - meaning "twice."] Hence, "bi" means two.

The word "polar" means: 1. Of, measured from. Or referred to a pole 2. Of or near the North or South Pole. 3. Occupying or characterized by opposite extremes.

The word "polar" derives from the word "pole" which means: "Either or two oppositely charged terminals, as in an electric cell or battery; either of two opposing forces. [Greek: polos, meaning "axis"]

The word "disorder" means: "A lack of order; confusion; an ailment."

From the above break down of the term "bipolar disorder", we come up with "a lack of order or an ailment of two poles of opposing forces or extremes (or mental states)."

Basically, bipolar disorder deals with a fluctuation of extremes on the emotional level - depression and mania. Depression deals with a saddened state whereas mania deals with an excited or enthused state.

Depression. noun. 1. The act of depressing or condition of being depressed. 2. A sunken area; hollow 3. The condition of feeling sad or despondent. 4. Pschol. A condition marked by an inability to concentrate, insomnia, and feelings of dejection and hopelessness. American Heritage Dictionary supra, pg. 235

Depression. [Latin: "deprimere" meaning "to press down]. 3. A mood disturbance characterized by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement resulting from and normally proportioned to some personal loss or tragedy. 4. An abnormal emotional state characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness, melancholy, dejection, worthlessness, emptiness, and hoplessness that are inappropriate and out of proportion to reality. The condition is neurotic when the precipitating cause is an intra-psychic conflict or a traumatic situation or event that is identifiable, even though the person is unable to explain the overreaction to it. The condition is psychotic when there is severe there is severe physical and mental functional impairment because of some unidentifiable intra-pyschic conflict; it is often accommodated by hallucinations, delusions, and confusion concerning time, place, and identity. Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 4th edition, supra pg. 354

Mania. noun. An intensively intense enthusiasm or desire; craze. 2. A mental disorder characterized by excessive physical activity and emotional excitement. 3. Violent abnormal behavior.

From the word "mania" we get the word "maniac" which means: One with an excessive enthusiasm for something. [Greek: maniakos, meaning "mad", mania, meaning "madness.].

We also get the word" manic" which means: "Of, affected by, or marked by mania."

Are you starting to really understand the depth of the rock group, The Bangles, hit song "Manic Monday" now from all of the definitions supra? I am!

Monday is the day of the week that is named in honor of the moon; hence Monday is a corruption of Moon's Day. America may profess to be a Christian nation, but if you have eyes to see, you will and can see that paganism's mark has been left on Christianity and America, which purports to be a Christian nation. Not a Christ-like nation, but a Christian nation. There's a difference!

Monday has always been associated with emotional imbalance, lunacy, mania, and sorrow ("the blues") to be exact. In fact, the Latin word for "moon" is "luna" from whence we get the words "lunacy" and "lunatic." Originally, lunacy was attributed to the moon.

In chromatherapy, the color blue deals with soothing and calming and this color blue (especially light blue) helps us to relax and to calm down. This is very true! So if you have an irate and/or anxious or hyperactive child(ren), you might want to consider painting their bedroom light blue so as to positively impact them with this color's frequency or vibration.

The color blue is the antidote for the color red, which deals with passion, fever, and fieriness. If you are upset or angry, your aura becomes a tainted and unhealthy red color because on an energetic level you are on fire (burning up), and you begin to emit the frequency of this color, and in accordance pursuant to the law of attraction, as long as your frequency is the frequency of this color (tainted or dark red), you will attract other things into your orb or aura that matches this same frequency. You will attract people, circumstances, situations, and events that will keep you angry and upset and make you more angry and upset. This is true because all energy is cyclical and that which is cyclical is bound to come back around. Karma is cyclical energy coming back around to its source. So to help yourself calm down when you are angry or upset, have a room with blue (light or sky blue) walls that you can go into for a few minutes and just stare at the walls so as to "cool" down.

Actually, staring or looking at anything blue or light/sky blue will get the job done. And if nothing blue or light/sky blue is around, simply close your eyes and visualize this color for a few minutes. It really works! The technique is greatly intensified when deep breathing is added to it. Whatever the source or cause of the anger, simply get a picture of it in your mind, imagine it disintegrating or turning into dark gray smoke and continue to blow the smoke out via your lips (perform 10-20 deep breaths); then imagine the dark gray smoke all gone from your mind.

With each breath you release the cause or source of your anger. After the last breath, you simply say: "I have released" (this anger, situation, etc.). And because you don't want that negative energy to be lingering out in the Universe so as to be available to someone else, simply transmute it into positive energy with deliberate intent and you can do this by either imaging or vocalizing (via imaging see the dark gray smoke convert into a pure white or sparkling crystalline colored smoke or via vocalization say: "the negative energy I just released is hereby converted in positive energy and made available for positive use throughout the Universe - So be it!').

Okay, getting back to our subject at hand, because blue (light/sky blue) is the color frequency of the Fifth chakra (Vissudha), visualizing or looking at the color blue will help to balance (open) this chakra - the seat of communication, which pertains to higher creativity and self-expression, thus allowing you to express yourself (and truthfully and honestly).

We do express ourselves better when we are "cool" (cool-headed), calm, and relaxed. The color blue (and light/sky blue) has this profound and healing effect on us, all of us, whether we believe in chakras and/or chromatherapy or not.

Now while the color blue deals with being cool, calm, and relaxed, the color also has an opposite polarity effect - depression or melancholy, hence a feeling of "the blues" which I'm sure African-Americans can relate to, at least better than anybody else or any other so-called race (since today, the majority of Americans regardless of race are catching and singing "the blues" today due to the state of our union [government, society] and our personal unions with self (inner and outer) and other people).

From my personal research I have discovered that depression and melancholy affect the liver organ and vice versa. The psycho-emotional aspect of the liver corresponds to the negative emotion of anger; thus anger (and madness) stores in the liver (the tissues of the liver).

It is the consumption of alcohol (spirits) that releases the evil spirits of anger and madness that are stored in the liver in the person who consumes alcohol. It is very common for drunk or inebriated people to become very upset, angry, or mad shortly after reaching this imbalanced state. This is because the alcohol serves as an instigator for the release of these stored negative emotions that the drunkard or drunk person has been carrying for some time (perhaps dating back to childhood or the teenage years).

Because alcohol is an intoxicant (a toxic substance; a pollutant of the blood and thus the body), it not only pollutes on the physical level, but also pollutes on the subtle body level. The aura becomes a dirty dark red color, in addition, little portals (gateways) open up within the aura which allows negative or dark spirits (ethereal beings) to enter the person's energy body and thus take the person under their control, mainly on the mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This is why the Ruler's imps (government) say that you are "under the influence" of alcohol when you are drunk. It's not the alcohol that influences your mind, as alcohol taints the blood, as it is a poison. It is the dark spirits (ethereal beings) that influence the mind. Liquor stores appropriately sell alcohol in the section called "Spirits."

Popping the top of a bottle of alcohol allows certain spirits (genie) to come out, like in the story of Aladdin, except the spirit (genie) here in this situation is not benevolent.

In Islam, we discover that genies (called "Jinn") are either malevolent or benevolent. The Universe is filled with dark and light beings or entities and both or on the scene right now though you can't see them as they are invisible, but nevertheless they are there on a different frequency that if you tuned in to that particular frequency right now you would see them. The evil spirits are lingering around us waiting for us to get into a fight or confrontation, to become angry and vexed, to have lower chakra sex, to drink alcohol and become drunk; and to consume drugs and fade out of our minds. They love these types of activities as it feed their appetites. It also makes it easier for them to invade our energy field because these activities lower our vibration. Lower activity lowers your aura and drinking alcohol to the point of drunkenness is sure to do such!

Growing up in the hood of South Central Los Angeles, it was all too common to witness males and females getting bent (as we say in the hood, which means "drunk') and then minutes or hours later, being involved in some drama, usually a physical fist fight.

I witnessed this with my own parents almost every Thursday night. My father got paid every Thursday from his job and my parents had a ritual of first taking the whole family out to dinner (usually at Bob's Big Boy restaurant or Norm's restaurant near Century Boulevard and Vermont Avenue), then to my paternal grandmother's house, followed by the local V.I.P. record store (now defunct) to buy the latest musical albums (The Gap Band, Teena Marie, James Brown, Rick James, etc.), and lastly, to the corner liquor store for some spirits (alcohol) and cracklin' pork skins.

My parents would be getting along fine, just talking and laughing, eating fried pork skins (pork cracklins), and listening to music. I'd be in the bed and would feel like I'm in paradise due to the good music playing and sound of laughter from my parents. I was always happiest hearing, seeing, and knowing my parents were getting along and having a good time together. Nothing else surpassed this for me. Now of course, the worst times of my childhood was when they were at each other's throat like wild dogs.

Well, it wouldn't be too long after all that Thursday night partying, eating swine flesh, and drinking alcohol that my parents would be at each other's throat, and it would always be my mother who would start the madness. She was borderline alcoholic though she didn't drink every day. She drank often, mostly on weekends (which sort of began for us on Thursday), but not everyday.

My mother used to remind me of Sue Ellen Ewing from the hit television series, "Dallas", which just happens to be my all-time favorite television show (thanks to J.R. Ewing, played by actor Larry Hagman).

Sue Ellen would be just fine when she didn't drink, but once she started to drink, she was a mess, and that was my mother.

Alcohol always released anger in my mother. She would start up by cursing up a storm (usually in response to my father saying something about one of her family members or by just saying something that obviously pissed her off).

The next thing you know she'd be throwing things (ash trays, pots and pans, drinking glasses, the telephone, etc.) and knocking pictures down from the wall. The woman literally physically tore the house apart. Even as a little boy, I could always deduce that my mother only acted like that after she drank alcohol. This impressed upon me at a young age to never drink alcohol; and after sipping on a few of the wines and spirits in my parents' bar just to experience the taste of this stuff that negatively impacted my family, I never drank alcohol - NO wine, champagne, whiskey, rum, scotch, gin, etc. I stayed away from that junk because I saw how it made people react. I saw the harm that followed from drinking this crap.

It's funny how the government is always talking about regulating people for purposes of "public safety" (or public health and order) but will not ban alcohol, cigarettes, and pharmaceutical drugs which together kill two million people per year.

And now that I know why my mother used to become upset and angry after drinking alcohol, I am able to assist and help people heal on the energy level in general, the emotional level in particular.

Some people tell me: 'Oh Djehuty, one glass of wine won't hurt!" My retort is: "I'm sure one glass of dog piss wouldn't hurt either, but over time you'd have some serious health problems because the fact of the matter is, the stuff does not belong in your body."

Drinking alcohol taxes the liver while it tries to filter alcohol from the blood stream. Again, liquor adversely affects the liver.

Now let's look at the word "melancholy." Melancholy is defined as: "Sdaness; depression. 2. Pensive reflection. 1. Gloomy; sad [Greek "melancholia"]

But if we really want to find out the true meaning of the word "melancholy", we must deduce the word on our own.

"Melan" = black (as in melanin); and "choly" = bile (as in chologogue, a substance such as an herb that stimulates the flow of bile). Hence, melancholy refers to "black bile." But wait a minute! Bile is green in color! Yes it is, so what's going on here? Now we're getting somewhere in our understanding of things.

The word "melancholy" derives from the word "melancholia" which is defined as:

Melancholia. A mental disorder marked by severe depression and apathy
[Late Latin: MELANCHOLY.] American Heritage Dictionary, 4th edition, 2001, pg. 529

Melancholia. 1. Extreme sadness; melancholy. 2. Obsolete, the major affective depressive disorder. [Greek "melas", meaning 'black', + "chole", meaning 'bile'] See also BIPOLAR DISORDER; DEPRESSION. Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd edition, 1990, pg. 738

Clearly, bipolar disorder, from a medical standpoint or point of view is a form of mental retardation coupled with depression.

The Causation of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a Seventh chakra (Sahasrara) imbalance, usually excessive chakra energy.

"The Seventh (or Crown) chakra is the place of Nirvana - freedom from opposites - and is considered to be the realm where the individual soul and the Universal Soul are One. This is the realm of the total union of Shiva and Shakti, of all opposites and conflicting tendencies within oneself and between self and the cosmos." Ashoki Bedi, M.D.

From my experience with people with bipolar disorder, all of them had a deep spiritual side, but unfortunately, it was disconnected from reality. Take Larry for example. Though bi-polaric, he was very spiritual but was greatly disconnected from reality because he believed he was Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Larry is Jewish (Caucasian Jew) but considered himself a Messianic Jew (a Jew who believes in and accepts Jesus as the Messiah).

Larry was generally a happy guy, especially when things were going his way and he had hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank and could afford his limousines and pretty women. But whenever things didn't go his way or some type of stressful situation would arise, Larry would lose it. He would freak out! He would run to the bottle and get drunk and would be a complete mess.

"The condition is neurotic when the precipitating cause is an intra-psychic conflict or a traumatic situation or event that is identifiable." Mosby's supra.

Larry's bipolar disorder was neurotic and not psychotic at all, at least from my observations when working with him.

Larry had two stages that I noticed. First, everything would be okay and he would be taking his medication (pharmaceutical drugs). Secondly, after some traumatic situation would occur, he'd fall apart and run to the bottle.

While inebriated, he would be very angry and upset, usually at government. Though drunk, his discourses were always spiritual. It's strange because in his anger and inebriated state, he spoke a lot of spiritual truths, something a lot of "normal" drunk people don't do. They may speak truth while drunk (like my mother), but rarely is it spiritual truth.

Bipolar people that I have dealt with over the years have always acknowledged the spiritual. This is how I personally know bipolar disorder is partially a Seventh chakra imbalance because the Seventh Chakra is our spiritual center, our link to the Higher Self, our divine nature.

However, characteristics of the excessive Chakra energy individual include:

Constant sense of frustration

Unrealized power

Psychotic, depressed, or manic-depressive

Frequent migraine headaches


Sexual expression

Sometimes passionate, sometimes distant

Joy Gardner-Gordon, in "Pocket Guide to the Chakras" gives us the following example of an excessive Seventh Chakra energy individual (which actually describes Larry to a T):

"This psychotic man imagines that he is Jesus Christ. He has delusions of grandeur as he attempts to enlist his twelve disciples. He actually does have the ability to see into the future and to read minds, but his skills are sporadic and undisciplined, and he cannot distinguish between his fantasies, or his paranoias, and reality." Pg. 100

Because the Seventh Chakra influences the brain, nervous system, pineal and pituitary glands, these glands and organs must be addressed when helping the bipolar disorder individual and you CANNOT help the bipolar patient or person with these glands and organs with man-made, chemical, pharmaceutical drugs.

Drugs only exacerbate the problem. The human body is not made of drugs so drugs don't do it any good. They only toxify and pollute the body. The body identifies everything that it cannot digest as a poison and seeks to expel it from the body. Therefore, only natural things and substances from the earth can be used to help assist the bipolar person or individual, e.g. herbs, essential oils, crystals, fruits and vegetables, etc.

Larry had nearly all of the characteristics of a person with excessive Seventh Chakra energy. Larry always had a constant sense of frustration, he had tremendous unrealized power, he was most certainly depressed and manic-depressive, he got frequent migraine headaches, and he was highly sexually expressive (he was a member of private sex club).

It is very true about bipolar disorder individuals that one day they'll be very happy, on top of the world, and the next day or a few days later, they'll be greatly depressed like the world is coming to an end.

We must also look at the karmic and past-life aspect of bipolar individuals.

Bipolar individuals are borderline genius and lunatic.

In addition to working on the brain, nervous system, and endocrine system (pituitary and pineal glands), the natural practitioner must work on the liver of the bipolar individual. The liver stores anger and bipolar individuals have a tendency to become very irate and out of nowhere and at a whim. For many people with mates who are bi-polar, this behavior can be quite frightening.

The natural healer or practitioner should also take into account the karmic aspect of bi-polar. Individuals in this present life dispensation who are experiencing bi-polar disorder chose their Earth vehicles replete with so-called anomalies and so-called defects so as to undergo certain experiences for attainment of certain life experiences for purposes of soul growth; in addition to the fact of paying past life (or lives) karmic debt.

People who experience brain disorders (such as bi-polar disorder) in this life are people who in past lives may have abused their brains, used their minds and/or knowledge for purposes of harm, manipulated the minds of other people, practiced mind control experiments; pulled the levers of guillotines (which cut people's heads off as a form of capital punishment), levied capital punishment against innocent persons, etc.

There are no victims in the Universe. We create our own realities and fates via past and present life thoughts, beliefs, and actions. This is why I do not feel sorry for anyone regardless of their condition, because I have spiritual understanding, over-standing, and inner-standing and I know that they played a role in creating and manifesting the condition, whatever it may be, whether it was in this lifetime or a previous lifetime. Justice (karma) permeates our Universe and no action goes unnoticed or unreturned. Again, there are no victims, just participants.


HERBS. I recommend using nervine herbs for bi-polar disorder. These herbs include Kava Kava, Passionflower, Lavender flower, Jatamansi, Chamomile, St. Jon's Wort, Valerian Root, Blue Vervain, Hops, Scullcap, Catnip, and Cinnamon to name a few. These herbs can be taken in tea form, capsule form, or liquid extract form and can be taken throughout the day.

AROMATHERAPY. There are plenty of good essential oils that are effective in the treatment and healing of bi-polar disorder and they include Neroli, Bergamot, Lavender, Jasmine, Davana, May Chang, Blood Orange, Linden, Valerian, and Melissa (True). These oils can be inhaled, burned in a diffuser, and/or added to bath water.

CRYSTALS. There are plenty of crystals that can be used in the treatment and healing of bi-polar disorder, but by far, the best stone to use for bi-polar disorder is lepidolite. Lepidolite contains lithium.

Other good stones/crystals for bi-polar include Charoite, Larimar (Dolphin Stone), Sugilite, Amethyst, and Peridot.

The above crystals and stones are ideal for the depression aspect of bi-polar (and can be placed directly on the Ajna chakra located between the eyebrows).

However, for the grounding aspect of bi-polar, I recommend the following crystals and stones: Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Jet, Obsidian, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, and Magnetite. These stones can be placed anywhere from the bottom of the feet up to the genital region, or, around the body in a grid)

Crystals can be applied directly to the Sixth chakra (Brow Chakra) while lying down (for about 15-30 minutes) or can be made into an elixir (letting the crystal sit in water for a period of 24 hours, receiving both moon and sun light) and drank (a few dropper-fuls or 1-4 ounces).

Dherbs products that are helpful in cases of bi-polar disorder include: Full Body Detox, Brain Tuner (capsules, tea), CNS (Central Nervous System) formula, Anti-Depression elixir, Bi-polar-Aid elixir; Nerves formula, Anti-depressant inhaler; Anti-Anger elixir, and Nerves tea.

Dherbs services that can also help in cases of bi-polar disorder (for purposes of healing) include Chakra Alignment/Balancing and Hemisphere Synchronization Therapy.

This article is compliments of http://www.dherbs.com and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra

For additional articles by the author, visit http://www.dherbs.com/articles

Bi-Polar Disorder

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Both men and women are successfully preventing and reducing the unsightly effects of stretch marks as we speak. There are dozens of solutions to choose from; what's important is finding the one that's right for you. You don't have to pay for expensive surgery (that's often painful). Instead, why not try a more natural approach that is helping thousands of people forget their stretch marks.

I have asked around to see what methods people were using for dealing with their stretch marks and there were some pretty good methods out there. I decided to include them in this article just for you. Let's look at them now!

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ElastiSkin Oil

9 Simple Home Made Remedies to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

This method is a natural remedy to prevent the onset of stretch marks and scarring if it is used as directed. It's called. It gives your skin the elasticity it needs in order for your skin to expand during pregnancy and during fluctuating weight gain/loss. This is good for teens and growing toddlers too, because they experience rapid weight gain and growth. This product is all natural and has no negative side effects. Your skin will be soft too. You can get it from elastiskin.com.

Aroma Oil

You can try massaging the body with aroma oil during pregnancy which helps to reduce your chances of getting marks

Body Scrub

Try making this body scrub: Mix a little olive oil, cod liver oil, vitamin E oil/cream and aloe vera gel together. Be sure to exfoliate first and then apply the scrub. Make sure that you are scrubbing in circular motions towards the heart because this stimulates more blood flow and is great for getting rid of cellulite.

Oil & Gel Mix

Apply aloe vera gel, cod liver oil, or vitamin E oil to stretch mark areas to help speed up the healing process.


Mixture of 1/2 virgin olive oil, 1/4 cup aloe vera gel, and liquid from 6 capsules of vitamin E, and liquid from 4 capsules of vitamin A. Put them in a blender and store this mixture in the refrigerator. Use daily.

Home made Stretch Mark Cream

1/4 cup Cocoa Butter

1 Tbsp. wheat germ oil

1tsp. light sesame seed oil

1tsp. Apricot kernel oil

1tsp. Vitamin E oil

2 tsp. grated beeswax

1 tsp Vanilla extract (optional)

Yield: 3 oz.

Mix together all ingredients except vanilla extract. Heat gently until the cocoa butter and beeswax has melted. Remove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract, if desired. Allow to cool completely before use. Store this mixture in a clean jar with a tight fitting lid. Massage into your skin.

Vaseline Rub

Vaseline intensive care on your stomach every morning and every night the minute you find out you're pregnant.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K can be used topically to help the skin heal from wounds including stretch marks. Apply Vitamin K cream directly to stretch marks or other scars and Depending on how bad they are, your skin type and activity levels, you will see results in as little as 8-14 days to 6-8 weeks when used twice daily. Major food sources for Vitamin K include green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, green cabbage, kale, Swiss chard, turnip greens, broccoli, tomatoes, liver and lean meats and dairy products.

Lavender Essential Oil

Putting Lavender Essential Oil directly on scars will help them fade. You can also heal wounds faster with the application of this oil.

This article to naturally removing your stretch marks is just the basics. It is best to do something, rather than nothing at all; research, read and gather knowledge to help in your fight against unsightly stretch marks.

So, women of the world, don't be afraid to get in there and try out some of these home remedies. The more you give a go, the more confident you will become in your own skin and with your own body.

9 Simple Home Made Remedies to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Tamisium Butane Oil Extractor Basic Video Series, Video 2 - Extracting Oil from Lavender Tube. Duration : 10.30 Mins.

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