วันจันทร์ที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Homeopathic Treatment for Fibroids - An Alternative to Hormonal Treatment and Surgery

Homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids is based on the principle that the body's own immune system can be triggered to heal any ailment that we suffer from. Homeopaths give diluted substances in the form of pills or tablets for treating fibroid tumors in uterus. This form of treatment takes a little time to produce results.

In case you are serious about going in for homeopathy for fibroid cure the sooner you start the better it is. With this type of treatment you will be able to avoid invasive surgical procedures. Unlike conventional treatment, there is no need for you to take any hormonal drugs while undergoing this type of treatment. Homeopathy is particularly effective to treat small-sized fibroids. The homeopathy medicines control the growth of new fibroids and gradually reduce the size of existing ones. It also provides relief from fibroid symptoms like anemia and urinary bladder issues.


There are almost 100 homeopathy medicines that provide relief from fibroid tumors in uterus. The choice of medicines and relief largely depends upon the correctness of the judgement on part of the homeopathic doctor. Before beginning the treatment the doctor will perform certain basic health checks and understand the complete medical history of the patient. Thereafter the course of medicine is decided upon which may vary from person to person. Unlike conventional treatment here there is no single medicine which is prescribed for all for relief from fibroid symptoms.

Homeopathic Treatment for Fibroids - An Alternative to Hormonal Treatment and Surgery

Some of the common homeopathic medicines prescribed by doctors to treat uterine fibroids include Conium maculatum, Hydrastis, Hydrocotyle, Acid nitricum, Thuja occidantalis, Trillium pendulum, Thlaspi bursa, Aurum metallicum, Caulophyllum and Lachesis.

For homeopathic treatment of fibroids it is best to consult a qualified practitioner. Homeopathy is a special branch of medicine. For safe and sure treatment it is of utmost importance that your doctor is knowledgeable and in a position to guide you properly with your treatment.

Homeopathy is a safe, effective and a natural alternative to drugs, hormonal treatment and invasive surgeries. Fibroids are one of conditions where homoeopathy has been very effectively used to treat patients and avoid surgery.

While making use of homeopathic treatment for uterine fibroids you must be prepared to be patient. Please do not expect instant results overnight. Homeopathic medicines do not provide quick fix solutions. These medicines work to eliminate the root cause of the problem and equip the body to fight ailments on its own. For total fibroid cure the homeopathic treatment must be taken seriously for about 12 to 18 months depending upon the number and size of fibroid tumors in uterus.

Homeopathic Treatment for Fibroids - An Alternative to Hormonal Treatment and Surgery

